newnow is a research platform, where together with students from Dessau Institute of Architecture (DIA), we investigate how architecture adapts or reacts to the vast changes in our contemporary society. The goal is to identify strategic design objectives and facilitate alternative development models that can provide empowered solutions for the global challenges of the today’s world. The students are given the freedom to imagine and test new visions for the present processes, each semester with a different focus.
Bilyana Asenova
Bilyana is born in Sofia, Bulgaria. After graduating DIA in 2015, she has worked for several years in different Berlin based offices. In 2019 she has started her own praxis unas studio together with her partner Saša Ciabatti.
Saša Ciabatti
Saša is from Trieste, Italy, where he has studied his Bachelor Degree, before coming to DIA for his maters. He has diverse experience in couple of architectural firms. At the moment Saša runs unas studio together with teaching.